Intercultural projects

Creative Project "My World through Other Cultures" 2012

Presentation of the Results of the Project Line 2015

A Description of the Results 2015

The Line of Intercultural Project at Volnovakha Methodical Center 2015

Project "Puppet Exchange"" 2011

Project: Puppet exchange.
 It is such a treat to receive puppets and information from pupils that live in the places we are learning about, and the great thing about puppets, is that they usually feature the most interesting things that reflect the area that they come from.
This project is a part of a series of exchanges between schools and  reflects a degree of confidence on our part as teachers and the children. The whole project  injectes considerable motivation and  includes art skills, geographical and historical awareness, speaking and writing skills.

The kids have to maketheirown paper dolls along with clothing and accessories to go with them. I use a printable template. It is simple, black and white designs so you can print and decorate it as you please; or, if you prefer, colorize and decorate them using your favorite graphics program on your computer. You can also print out the desired items and use them as a pattern to create felt, craft foam, or fabric dolls. The possibilities are endless.

1.​ On the other side of each puppet the children  write about themselves, holidays and country whatever you/they decide (I.D puppet)
2.​ We take Two envelops:
a.​ Put the dolls in one envelope.
b.​ Put an Empty Envelop with the name and school address on it, inside the first envelop, with the dolls.and send it to Mrs. Orly Winer (Izrael)

Project "Ming Meets Interesting People "in Europe (Russia, Ukraine, Croatia) 2013
Project "Ming Meets Interesting People "in Asia. 2013
Project "Ming Meets Interesting People "in America. 2013
Project "Ming Meets Interesting People "in Africa and Middle East. 2013

 Project (10-B) Money Matters. An Article about it.2013

" Money Matters" is a project where students are able to get into conversation about money, learn some facts about history of money and about money in other countries, discuss students’ pocket money and proverbs about money, make media products about money. Participants are divided into groups according to the age.We work with students from Pakistan, Bahrain, Mexico  and Byelorus .

 Project. "Holiday Card Exchange" in iEARN 2014

 Teachers and students prepare an envelope with holiday cards to send to the other participants between October - December. Students may send Chinese New Year, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or Eid greeting cards or cards that show local celebrations during December or January. Each school will be placed in a group with approximately seven other schools and will prepare either handmade or purchased cards (decorations may be included) to send to each of the other schools. We got cards from Taiwan, Slovenia, Byelorus , Poland , Mexico and The USA.

Project (6-B) with Vineyards Elementary school, Florida.Ms Roche's class (Topic. Introduction) 2015

Project(6-B) with Vineyards Elementary school, Ms Vasilchenko's Class (Topic. Introduction) 2015

Project (6-B) with Vineyards Elementary school, Ms Roche's Class (Topic. My School Day ) 2015

Project(7-A) with French Lyceum, Los Angeles. Mr. Edwards' Class (Topic. Introduction) 2015

Project(7-A) With French Lyceum, Los Angeles. Ms. Vasilchenko's class (Topic. Our School Life) 2015

Project(7-A) Newsletter of French Lyceum , Los Angeles.2015

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